Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Get your 2nd On

If there was ever a more fitting end to 2013, we could only find it in Modesto.  Once a thriving agricultural town, it now competes with Fresno for most car thefts per capita in the state of CA. Lots of leftover Walter Whites, too, missing teeth and all.  So as we spend every Christmas there, I came upon 2 symbols of all this past year has seemed to represent:
1st is the billboard with the above post title. Complete with targeting scope. I couldn't tell if the ad was meant for a gun/ammo store or a shooting range. Doesn't really matter.
2nd is the sticker on the back window of a white pickup truck (brand omitted) as we pull off Hwy 99 at Kansas Ave. - Statute of Liberty but with an assault rifle where her torch should be. Because I'm sure when the French gifted the US that giant beacon of freedom, they were thinking as far back as 1886 about developing advanced weaponry like AK-47s and AR-15s. And what does that sticker even mean? What does the 2nd Amendment have to do with immigration? We know the gun nuts are out there, but the pretzel logic still defies belief.
So, as we close the books on a year that had more than its share of red, with a government as dysfunctional as ever, with a Pope being called Marxist (the Pope!) simply because he cares about social inequality, let us revisit the actual statue:
What does the torch represent? The torch is a symbol of enlightenment. The Statue's official name represents its most important symbol, "Liberty Enlightening the World."
Nothing says you're enlightened more than replacing the torch with a gun.  Now that is HIGHpocrisy 2013! Happy frikkin New Year!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

No play-time

We're not sure why this isn't getting more attention, but we'll just refer you to some of the basics and let you decide for yourself.  Gotta say, though, if the wives catch wind of this (and they may already know?), then no Christmas miracle will save the poor shlubs in the not-so-Great-Lakes-anymore state from the nightmare to be unleashed.
Back soon with our annual year-ender.

Monday, December 9, 2013

What is the "it"

that the doctor-senator from OK refers to in the following phrase:
"It has damaged the ability of us to move forward."
If you guessed the recent Senate rules change that allows for nominations to proceed based on simple majority vote, you win!  But if you think that Coburn and his fellow Rs were capable of moving forward or even wanting to move forward, then you haven't even been playing. 

Monday, December 2, 2013


Just in case we already posted an entry titled, "Leftovers" from a Thanksgiving gone by, we still had to throw some of the carcass out with the Cyber Monday trash.