Sunday, January 8, 2012


It would appear we skipped the year-end downer of a post... sorry to say.  J has been J, and Rollah has been waiting for the right issue / event to come along worthy of a quick HIGHpocrisy award.  [If you thought it would be the GOP train wreck of a campaign, you don't know us.  That $#*& writes itself.]  We'll kick this 1 off instead with a little pondering of the 2011-ending defense authorization bill, the one with a provision that allows US citizens to be detained indefinitely, without due process, in clear violation of the little ol' Constitution - the document that founded this place.  Dear Mr. President, if you had such serious reservations about signing the bill, here's a thought: DON'T SIGN IT !!!  In case you're wondering if it will have a chilling effect on free speech, ... [             ]

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